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Kind: global class
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

new PAIR256()

Creates an instance of PAIR256


Line function

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}


prepare for multi-pairing

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

PAIR256.miller(r, res)

basic Miller loop

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

rFP48 precomputed array of accumulated line functions
resFP48 result

PAIR256.another(r, P1, Q1)

Precompute line functions for n-pairing

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

rarray of precomputed FP48 products of line functions
P1An element of G2
Q1An element of G1

PAIR256.ate(P1, Q1)

Calculate Miller loop for Optimal ATE pairing e(P,Q)

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}
Result: r An element of GT i.e. result of the pairing calculation e(P,Q)

P1An element of G2
Q1An element of G1

PAIR256.ate2(P1, Q1, R1, S1)

Calculate Miller loop for Optimal ATE double-pairing e(P,Q).e(R,S)

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}
Result: r An element of GT i.e. result of the double pairing calculation e(P,Q).e(R,S)

P1An element of G2
Q1An element of G1
R1An element of G2
S1An element of G1


Final exponentiation of pairing, converts output of Miller loop to element in GT

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}
Result: r m^((p^12-1)/r) where p is modulus and r is the group order

mFP48 value


prepare ate parameter, n=6u+2 (BN) or n=u (BLS), n3=3*n

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}


GLV method

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

Galbraith & Scott Method

Kind: static method of PAIR256
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

PAIR256.G1mul(P, e) ⇒

Fast point multiplication of a member of the group G1 by a BIG number

Kind: static method of PAIR256
Returns: R Member of G1 R=e.P
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

PMember of G1
eBIG multiplier

PAIR256.G2mul(P, e) ⇒

Multiply P by e in group G2

Kind: static method of PAIR256
Returns: R Member of G2 R=e.P
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

PMember of G2
eBIG multiplier

PAIR256.GTpow(d, e) ⇒

Fast raising of a member of GT to a BIG power

Kind: static method of PAIR256
Returns: r d^e
this: {"{"}PAIR256{"}"}

dMember of GT
eBIG exponent