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Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Library 0.1 (libmpc)

Apache Milagro's Multi-Party Computation library (libmpc) is the latest addition to the project (as of June 2022), and uses the Apache Milagro C Library to implement Multi-Party Computation. It offers and API to allow for customs computations to be perfomed.

Building and running libmpc

The preferred way to get libmpc built and tested is through the use of docker.

Once your docker installation is correctly set-up, simply run:

 git clone && cd incubator-milagro-MPC
 docker build -t libmpc .

If you want to run tests and ensure all routines perform as expected, run:

docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --rm libmpc

This procedure has been tested on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS, Windows) on arm64 and x86_64 platforms. If your build or execution fails, please open a bug.

You can also build and run libmpc natively, and you can build the docker image for multiple platforms. To know more, check out the readme in the GitHub repository.

API Documentation

Doxygen support is available for Apache Milagro Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Library.

If you build libmpc, you can generate the documentation by running

make doc

in the build directory. If you use Docker, and you want the build to generate the documentation, make sure build_doc is set to true.

An online version of the Doxygen output is available for viewing in a web browser here.

Supported admonition types are: caution, note, important, tip, warning.