
Software dependencies

Minimalist GNU for Windows MinGW provides the tool set used to build the library and should be installed. When the MinGW installer starts select the mingw32-base and mingw32-gcc-g++ components. From the menu select "Installation" -> "Apply Changes", then click "Apply". Finally add C:\MinGW\bin to the PATH variable.

CMake is required to build the library and can be downloaded from

In order to use the Python language wrapper install Python

The C Foreign Function Interface for Python CFFI module is also required, if you wish to use the Python module.

In order to build the documentation doxygen is required.

Build Instructions

Start a command prompt as an administrator

The default build is for 64 bit machines, Elliptic curve BN254CX and curve type Weierstrass

  1. mkdir target\build
  2. cd target\build
  3. cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D WORD_SIZE=64 ..\..
  4. mingw32-make
  5. mingw32-make test
  6. mingw32-make doc
  7. mingw32-make install

Post install append the PATH system variable to point to the install ./lib.

My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced > Environment Variables

The build can be configured using by setting flags on the command line i.e.

  1. cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D WORD_SIZE=64 -D BUILD_PYTHON=on ..\..

Uninstall software

Building an installer

After having built the libraries you can build a Windows installer using this command

In order for this to work NSIS has to have been installed